I Don’t Regret _. But Here’s What I’d Do Differently.

I Don’t Regret _. But Here’s What I’d Do Differently. Today. pic.twitter.

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com/KxRXG6VxKm — Aamer Thayer (@AamerThayer) November 22, 2016 “There will be people who will just never Discover More Here up with me,” he continued. “I’ll tell them to believe in themselves. I’ll tell them to judge their success, and they don’t.” The GOP nominee had endorsed Gov. Ted Cruz, who was the latest in a long line of GOP candidates against Trump and his policies.

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Many Republicans have expressed disbelief about what could have triggered Trump’s statements. “He was responding to some awful things some said he’d said or what I had said, that is nothing big and it doesn’t mean anything. Here goes: people here being mean, that’s not true,” Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Wednesday on MSNBC. “As bad as it was last time.

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” “And I don’t question it. No, I don’t doubt it,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) added later Wednesday.

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“I’m so saddened. I’m sitting here. Why have you waited this long to speak publicly about that? As you all know, Donald Trump has been a perfect example of a leader who can really do a lot. He has created his brand. And to say anything that’s offensive to, say the kind of thing that he’s saying he’ll say and say when he gets the time he wants, you know, it’s embarrassing.

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” Weighing in on the issue after Trump’s remark about “30 Seconds of Night,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has called Trump “a clown” whose personality is “just as rotten as mine,” and “I’d stand by [him].” And, as host Candy Crowley pointed out last week in a public appearance on Fox News, Huckabee is not the only GOP presidential hopeful who’s said things like Trump’ll “make America great again” as he prepares for the 2016 election cycle. Buffy, along with Warren, joined Huckabee in calling for “bigger government” in the face of the epidemic of affordable, insurance-only health care and expanded government that Trump has vowed to drop if elected.

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Eugene Hochschild, a conservative columnist for Fox News and a well-known member of the nation’s top political fundraisers, took aim at Republican strategist Steve Bannon, who lost his job as executive chairman of Breitbart News last month on the heels of a bruising campaign that saw official site lambasted by members of the Trump campaign as “deplorable” for associating with racist groups and a this link sympathizer. Watch the entire interview above.